If you wish to work at Ecobanka, you must go through a corporate selection process led by our Human Resources department. In this process, a series of tests will be carried out to determine your willingness, professionalism and talent in the job vacancy you aspire to.
You need to know the selection system so that you are properly prepared for this stage.

You should be aware that the competition tests are different for each professional vacancy. However, the main structure is usually similar, and the following phases of the examination are carried out:
1st Phase: Digitized process.
- Test of verbal reasoning.
- Numerical reasoning test.
- Abstract reasoning test.
- Situation test.
2ndPhase: Digitized process.
- Interview (short answer questions).
It should be clarified that the call for the selection tests at Ecobanka will be carried out remotely, facilitating access from verified digital devices to the exams and interviews.

645+ Job Offers
- Canada: 47
- United States Usa: 47
- Portugal: 47
- Nigeria: 72
- Brazil: 72
- India: 72
- China: 47
- France: 47
- United Arab Emirates: 47
- United Kingdom: 47
- Spain: 47
- Switzerland: 53