Website terms and conditions
Legal Conditions for Candidates
1.Legal Information
At EcobankaPro LTD (or "Ecobanka", as we prefer to be called), we are committed to maintaining the trust of our website visitors. In this Privacy Policy, you will find information about how we deal with the data we collect from visitors regarding their use of our website and the products or services we provide to them.
If you need more information, you can contact the data protection representative at or send it by mail to the data protection representative, EcobankaPro LTD 71-75, Shelton Street, London, Greater London, WC2H 9JQ, UK is the owner and proprietor of the Websites indicated in the domain
Ecobanka has the right to modify, without prior notice, the design, presentation and/or configuration of these Websites, as well as some or all of the services, and to add new services. Ecobanka Careers considers a candidate (hereinafter, the "Candidate") to be an individual seeking employment or services related to the world of work or career counseling who uses the services of Ecobanka Careers and accesses the Websites owned by EcobankaPro LTD.
2. Purpose
The present Legal Conditions regulate the access, the use by the Candidates to the services of the Website. The purpose of Ecobanka Careers is to provide a platform that allows Ecobanka Careers and Candidates to meet in an online environment, so that they can generate new jobs and contact, increase and improve their professional relationships. In this sense, through the website, Ecobanka Careers aims to provide the Candidate with access to job offers and Ecobanka Careers to access the "CV" of the Candidates registered in Ecobanka Careers.
Ecobanka Careers is in continuous evolution and development of new tools that provide value to the users registered in Ecobanka Careers. The use of the Web Site implies the full acceptance by the Candidates of the provisions included in the Legal Conditions in the version published by Ecobanka Careers at the time they access the Web Site, as well as the characteristics and rules of use of the Web Site. Therefore, Ecobanka Careers recommends reading these Legal Conditions periodically.
The use of certain services offered to the Candidates through the Website may be found to be under particular conditions of their own which, as the case may be, replace, complete and/or modify these Legal Conditions. Therefore, prior to the use of such services, the Candidate must also read carefully and accept, if applicable, the corresponding Particular Conditions of their own.
The Candidate acknowledges that it is not technically possible to achieve 100% availability of the Website. However, Ecobanka Careers will strive to keep the Website available as consistently as possible. Especially for maintenance, security or capacity reasons, as well as due to events over which Ecobanka Careers has no influence (e.g., anomalies in public communication networks, power outages, etc.), brief anomalies or temporary suspension of Ecobanka Careers' services may occur.
3. Ecobanka Careers Services for Candidates
The services that Ecobanka Careers provides to the Candidate are listed:
- Free Candidate registration on Ecobanka Careers' websites through the Candidate registration process.
- Selection of the level of privacy of the "CV" and the public profile.
- Services and tools for job search management through the Ecobanka Careers platform.
- Personalized home page in the private menu.
- To be searched (according to the level of privacy selected) through the database of candidates registered in Ecobanka Careers.
- Automatic and free reception of offers by electronic means. Ecobanka Careers offers the possibility of knowing through electronic communications (e-mail, SMS or Push notifications) the job offers that best suit the Candidate. To do so, the Candidate must previously select the areas -geographical and professional- of his/her interest. Optionally, they may also choose other selection criteria. Ecobanka Careers establishes two simple mechanisms through which Candidates can exclude themselves from this service free of charge: through the private menu 'Private Menu' and following the instructions indicated at the bottom of the body of the email.
- SMS or Push Notifications Service: Ecobanka Careers offers the possibility of knowing through SMS or Push Notifications in a fast and personal way the job offers or training courses that are most suitable for the Candidate.
- Promotional electronic communications services about the personnel selection sector, about other sites belonging to EcobankaPro LTD, as well as about third party companies with which Ecobanka Careers has a relationship in the sectors, among others, of recruitment and job search.
- In Ecobanka Careers: Includes news related to the current events of Ecobanka Careers, job search tips and information on employment trends.
- Public profile: Ecobanka Careers facilitates the creation of a professional profile that the Candidate can make public on the internet, and can be shared and read by other users and internet users, as well as indexed in search engines.
- Other services that Ecobanka Careers may create and that it considers of interest to the Candidates such as Financial advisory services, training, professional networking, access to news, among others.
4. Obligations of the Candidate
The Candidate undertakes to make diligent use of the Website and the services accessible from it, in full compliance with the Law, good customs and these Legal Conditions and, where appropriate, special conditions, and to maintain due respect for other Users.
Ecobanka Careers makes the use of most of its services conditional upon the prior completion of the corresponding Website Candidate registration. The User must select the identifier (ID or login) and the password, information that the User agrees to keep and use with due diligence.
The use of the password is personal and non-transferable, not being allowed the transfer, even temporarily, to third parties. In this sense, the Candidate must take the necessary measures for the custody of the password selected by him/her, avoiding its use by third parties. Consequently, the Candidate is solely responsible for the use of his/her password, with complete indemnity for Ecobanka Careers. In the event that the Candidate knows or suspects the use of his/her password by a third party, he/she must inform Ecobanka Careers as soon as possible. The aforementioned registration will be carried out in the manner expressly indicated in the service itself.
All information provided by the Candidate through the services must be accurate. To this end, the Candidate guarantees the authenticity and accuracy of all data communicated as a result of completing the forms necessary for subscription to the Services. Likewise, the Candidate guarantees that he or she is over 16 years of age. In relation to the SMS services, the Candidate guarantees to be the owner, subscriber or user of the declared mobile numbers and is responsible for communicating to Ecobanka Careers any change of status on them.
Similarly, it will be the Candidate's responsibility to keep all information provided to Ecobanka Careers permanently updated so that it corresponds, at all times, to the Candidate's actual situation. In any case, the Candidate will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and for any damages caused to Ecobanka Careers or third parties due to the information provided.
The Candidate undertakes to respect applicable laws and the rights of third parties when using the content and services of the Website. Likewise, it is forbidden to reproduce, distribute, transmit, adapt or modify, by any means and in any form, the contents of the Website (texts, designs, graphics, information, databases, sound and/or image files, logos, etc.) and other elements of this Website, unless previously authorized by their legitimate owners or when permitted by law.
The Candidate is the only one responsible for the relationships he or she establishes with the rest of the members of Ecobanka Careers. Ecobanka Careers reserves the right to limit the number of contacts Candidate makes with other members and, in certain circumstances, to prohibit communications with other Candidates through the Services offered by Ecobanka Careers or to otherwise limit their use of such Services.
Ecobanka Careers also reserves the right to monitor conversations and conflicts that may occur between Candidates and, if it deems it necessary, to restrict, suspend or close the Candidate's account if it deems, in its sole discretion, that it is necessary for the correct fulfillment of these Legal Conditions.
By way of illustration and not as a limitation, the following is forbidden: using offensive or slanderous content, regardless of whether this content affects others or, using pornographic content or content that violates child protection laws, or advertising, offering or distributing pornographic products or products that violate child protection laws, disturbing other Candidates (especially through spam), using legally protected content (p. (e.g., by intellectual property laws, trademark laws, patent laws, utility model laws or design laws) without being entitled to do so, or to advertise, offer or distribute legally protected goods or services, or to perform or promote anti-competitive actions, including actions aimed at progressive customer acquisition (such as chain, snowball or pyramid systems).
In addition, the Candidate is expressly prohibited from the following actions:
- Use mechanisms, software or scripts in regards to the use of the Website, as well as try to decipher the keys, systems or encryption algorithms or any other security element.
- Use web scraping tools, automatic data extraction robots, data extraction plug-ins and similar tools that put Ecobanka Careers' security and personal data protection at risk.
- Block, overwrite, modify or copy, unless this is necessary for the correct use of the website services. For example, copying using "Robot/Crawler" type browser technologies is not necessary for the correct use of the Website's services and is therefore expressly prohibited.
- Disseminate, reproduce or publicly communicate content from the Ecobanka Careers website, from companies or third parties, without the prior authorization of the owner of the rights.
- Any action that could damage the functionality of Ecobanka Careers' infrastructure, especially to overload it.
- To use any of the materials and information contained in this Web Site for purposes that are illegal and expressly prohibited in these Legal Conditions, as well as the particular conditions that, if applicable, are enabled that are contrary to the rights and interests of Ecobanka Careers, its members and/or third parties, and shall be liable to them in the event that they contravene or fail to comply with such obligations and/or that, in any way (including the introduction or dissemination of "computer viruses"), damage, disable, overburden, impair or prevent the normal use of the materials and information contained in the Website, the information systems or the documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any computer equipment (hacking) of Ecobanka Careers, its members or any registered user, individual or organization.
- Using or attempting to use another person's account or creating a false identity at Ecobanka Careers.
- Disclose or provide information protected by law due to contractual or trust relationships (such as having privileged information or information owned by another person and confidential under an employment relationship or confidentiality agreement).
- Use information, content or other data viewed or obtained through Ecobanka Careers to provide services that, in Ecobanka Careers' exclusive criteria, compete with Ecobanka Careers.
- The Candidate who intentionally or culpably fails to comply with any of the above obligations shall be liable for all damages caused by the failure to comply with the obligations and may result in the blocking of Ecobanka Careers' service. Where appropriate, Ecobanka Careers may propose prior action for acts of non-compliance with these prohibitions to cease and correct them immediately.
- In addition, Ecobanka Careers gives the Candidate the possibility to create and participate in both dialogue spaces, responses and network updates where he/she can publish his/her observations and comments on specific topics. In the same way.
- Likewise, remember that the ideas that are posted and information shared by the Candidate with the other Candidates may be seen and used by others, and Ecobanka Careers cannot guarantee that those others will not use the ideas and information shared by the Candidate in Ecobanka Careers. Therefore, if a Candidate has an idea or information that he or she wishes to keep confidential or does not want others to use, or if it is subject to third party rights that could be infringed upon if it were shared, it should not be posted in any group, on network updates or elsewhere on the Ecobanka Careers site.
Therefore, when the candidate sends ideas, suggestions, documents or any other proposal or contribution to Ecobanka Careers through the means that we make available, he/she acknowledges and accepts that:
- Such content cannot be considered confidential information nor is it the property of third parties;
- That Ecobanka Careers has no obligation of confidentiality, expressed or implied, with respect to such content;
- Ecobanka Careers reserves the right to use or disclose (or not, depending on its needs) all content provided for any lawful purpose that the portal considers, in any way and by any means;
- Ecobanka Careers may have considered or is in the process of developing some content similar to the Contributions;
- You expressly and irrevocably assign to Ecobanka Careers all your rights regarding the Contributions;
- You expressly waive your right to claim any compensation or reimbursement of any kind from Ecobanka Careers in this regard.
5. Content provided by the Candidate
Ecobanka Careers does not allow the distribution, management or communication of contents that deteriorate the quality of the service. The provision of content is prohibited:
- That are alleged to be illegal under national, Community or international law or that carry out allegedly illegal activities or contravene the principles of good faith.
- That do not meet the quality parameters established in Ecobanka Careers.
- That violate people's fundamental rights, lack of courtesy in the network, annoy or may generate negative opinions in our Candidates or third parties and in general any content that Ecobanka Careers considers inappropriate.
- That contain data of a sensitive nature (i.e., data related to ideology, religion, beliefs, union membership, and information regarding racial origin, health, and sexual).
- And in general that contravene the principles of legality, honesty, responsibility, protection of human dignity, protection of minors, protection of public order, protection of private life, consumer protection and intellectual and industrial property rights. Likewise, Ecobanka Careers reserves the right to remove, without prior notice, from the Web site any content considered inappropriate to the characteristics and purposes of Ecobanka Careers.
Ecobanka Careers no puede controlar todos y cada uno de los contenidospublicados, de manera que no puede asumir la responsabilidad sobre loscontenidos.
De todas maneras, periódicamente se revisan los contenidos insertados ypublicados para asegurar los principios de calidad de Ecobanka Careers así comolas normas aquí indicadas. Asimismo, Ecobanka Careers informa que podráeliminar del Sitio Web contenidos ilegales o presuntamente ilegales sin previoaviso.
Cualquier Candidato que inserte un contenido que contravenga la legalidadvigente debe saber que deberá asumir la responsabilidad de los perjuicios y consecuenciasderivadas de la misma.
6. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights
All rights of exploitation are reserved.
This Website is governed by the laws of the United Kingdom and is protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property laws.
The texts, designs, images, audio, databases, logos, structure, brands and other elements of this site are protected by the intellectual and industrial property rights of Ecobanka Careers and/or third party owners who have duly authorized their inclusion in the web site either by sending the registration form or by the agreements for the assignment of exploitation rights that they have stipulated with Ecobanka Careers.
Any reproduction, transmission, adaptation, translation, modification, communication to the public, or any other exploitation of all or part of the content of this Web site, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or other, is strictly prohibited unless prior written authorization is obtained from Ecobanka Careers or third party owners. Any infringement of these rights may result in appropriate civil or criminal out-of-court or court proceedings.
The legitimacy of the intellectual or industrial property rights corresponding to the content provided by the Candidates is the exclusive responsibility of the Candidates and never of Ecobanka Careers.
The present Legal Conditions and the rest of the conditions of the Web site will be governed by the Spanish legislation.
7. References, "links" to third party websites
Ecobanka Careers includes within its contents links to websites owned and/or managed by third parties in order to facilitate access to information available on the Internet.
Ecobanka Careers does not assume any responsibility for the existence of links between the content of this site and content located outside of it or any other mention of content external to this site. Such links or mentions are for informational purposes only and in no case imply any support, approval, marketing or relationship between Ecobanka Careers and the persons or entities that are the authors and/or managers of such content or owners of the sites where they are located.
8. Privacy and Data Protection Policy
8.1. Ecobanka Careers is aware that it is extremely important for Candidates that their personal data be handled responsibly. Therefore, Ecobanka Careers complies with all applicable data protection laws, as well as with European Regulation 2016/679 and Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, and establishes security mechanisms and procedures for the management of this data.
If the Candidate decides to register with Ecobanka Careers, the necessary data will be requested in order to achieve the purposes and objectives for which the Website is intended. In this sense, at the time of registration the Candidate will be informed of the purposes for which Ecobanka Careers will process his or her personal data, the period for which the data will be kept, the legal basis for its processing, to which recipients your personal data will be communicated and what your rights are and how to exercise them in relation to your personal data.
This information will be provided in detail at the time of registration through the additional information on Data Protection.
8.2. Information provided by the individual is obligatory or optional and the veracity of the data.
The fields marked as obligatory in the registration form to be filled in by the Candidate are strictly necessary to attend his request, being voluntary the inclusion of data in the remaining fields.
8.3. Privacy Selection.
Once registered with Ecobanka Careers, the Candidate must access his or her private menu and select the level of privacy for the personal data provided to Ecobanka Careers. The level of privacy chosen can be modified by the Candidate at any time by accessing his or her private menu.
The Candidate can choose between two levels of privacy:
Maximum Privacy: You will have access to the updated CV and personal identification data only with Ecobanka Careers to whose offers the Candidate has ever registered and those Candidates with whom you are connected; they will see your updated "CV". The rest of the Candidates will not have access to the Candidate's resume and personal data and you will not appear in suggestions or search results of Ecobanka Careers.
Normal Privacy: The resume will be visible to Ecobanka Careers. However, with normal privacy, the Candidate can select which personal identifying information to show the Company when it searches the Candidate database. Only the personal identification data selected by the Candidate and, in any case, the curriculum vitae provided by the Candidate will be accessed. Likewise, the curriculum is also accessible to Ecobanka Careers to whose offers the Candidate has registered. The Candidate may establish relationships with other Candidates, may generate invitations to connect, may accept invitations to connect sent by others, may be suggested and/or sought by others.
8.4. Remember my team.
We will remember your e-mail and password so that you can register for offers, update your CV, etc. without having to re-enter them each time you enter Ecobanka Careers. We will only ask you for them again after 7 days without accessing Ecobanka Careers. We will stop remembering them from the moment you click "Exit". Remember to log out when using shared computers.
8.5 Receiving more information from a training course.
Ecobanka Careers informs the individual that if he/she is duly registered in the portal, in case of linking to any of the courses offered by the training channel, with which Ecobanka Careers has a collaboration agreement, his/her data will automatically appear in order to facilitate the completion of the information form.
The pre-filled data are mainly among (although they can be modified): name, surname, email, telephone, country, province.
Likewise, Ecobanka Careers informs the individual that no data will be released until the moment the Candidate actively clicks the button to obtain information and gives his or her consent.
9. Applicable Legislation and Jurisdiction
The present Legal Conditions and the rest of the conditions of the Website will be governed by the legislation of the United Kingdom.
For any questions or actions arising from the provision of the services and content of Ecobanka Careers and on the interpretation, application, compliance or non-compliance with the provisions herein, Ecobanka Careers and the Candidate, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of London.
What is a cookie and what do we use these technologies for?
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device (PC, cell phone or tablet) that allow us to recognize your web browser. Cookies contain information primarily about your web browser and any activity that has occurred on it.
We may also use similar technologies that recognize cookies and identifiers and allow third parties to set cookies on your device. Web beacons may be used to determine which advertisements should be displayed on your web browser.
In this policy we use the term "cookie" to refer collectively to cookies, web beacons, pixels, tags and other similar technologies.
What kind of cookies do we use?
Analytical and preference cookies: are those cookies through which we obtain statistics and analysis on the use made by users of our services. This allows us to have an overview of how many unique users we have and how they use our services. You can disable these cookies by using the mechanisms below, but please note that, for example, we will not be able to remember your preferences and browsing patterns, you may have to log in each time you visit us, etc.
We use advertising cookies for various purposes:
Cookies used for marketing purposes: they allow us to monitor activities on our sites to understand how they are used and allow us to optimize our traffic acquisition campaigns from outside networks. We also use services to monitor a user's activity on our site and to provide advertising in connection with their searches on other sites, as well as services for downloading applications and for brand promotion. Finally, we use push notification services to let you know in our applications the news about our services.
Cookies to show personalized advertising:
Advertising is part of our business and will always be there. We use your data to show you advertising that is of interest to you and fits what you are looking for. If you don't want to see advertisements adapted to your preferences, we explain below how you can deactivate this option. By disabling these cookies we will only show you generic advertising.
In addition, we work with third parties to show you personalized advertising based on your navigation outside our pages. Similarly, if you want to disable personalized advertising to receive only generic advertising you can do so through the following links to third parties.
645+ Job Offers
- Canada: 47
- United States Usa: 47
- Portugal: 47
- Nigeria: 72
- Brazil: 72
- India: 72
- China: 47
- France: 47
- United Arab Emirates: 47
- United Kingdom: 47
- Spain: 47
- Switzerland: 53