Facilities to access the exam.
The candidate must choose the language in which to take the first selection test in the call in which he/she has registered. You can choose one of the following languages:
- Spanish
- English
- Portuguese
- Russian
- German
- French
- Arabic
- Chinese
- Bengali
- Japanese
- Hindi
- Italian
- Dutch
- Indonesian
- Malay
- Urdu
- Persian
- Polish
- Turkish
At the end of the registration process, you will receive an automatic e-mail with the syllabus and instructions on how to prepare for the selection test with the language you have chosen.

645+ Job Offers
- Canada: 47
- United States Usa: 47
- Portugal: 47
- Nigeria: 72
- Brazil: 72
- India: 72
- China: 47
- France: 47
- United Arab Emirates: 47
- United Kingdom: 47
- Spain: 47
- Switzerland: 53

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