“Supercomputer in Technological Hub”


“ECKN, DeFi Supercomputer Acquisition”

Ecobanka will begin in the next few weeks with the major manufacturers of supercomputers of the world to negotiate the acquisition of a supercomputer that will be installed in the Technological Hub of the company in Europe, these investments are part of the ECKN project.

The supercomputer will be called “Ecoban 1.0” and the minimum features to request from each manufacturer will be a storage petabyte (this amount supposes 1,000 terabytes or a million gigabytes), a computing capacity of petaflops (which means the capacity of half a million of today’s computers), state-of-the-art processors.

The expected investment cost will be between 8.50 – 12.00 Mill./€, an amount that justifies having in our Technological Hub the most powerful supercomputer in the world installed to grow in the latest disruptive digital technologies, decentralized alternative finance, maximum power for cryptocurrency mining, etc., without relying on other suppliers. The energy consumption will be sustainable and green, will come from renewable energy sources installed in the Technology Hub itself.

The ECKN project, decentralized finance with ethical and sustainable values is possible in the business world, participate and join our community.




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